Types of Aid
NCSEAA Programs
Forgivable Education Loans For Service (FELS)
Established by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2011, the Forgivable Education Loans for Service provides financial assistance to qualified students enrolled in an approved education program and committed to working in critical employment shortage professions in North Carolina. For the 2018-19 academic year, eligible degree programs may be found online. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority provides administration for the program.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Be a legal North Carolina resident and NC resident for tuition purposes. Complete RDS (Residency Determination Service).
- At the time of application, present a cumulative minimum grade point average (GPA) of:
- 3.00 for graduating high school students (weighted GPA)
- 2.80 for undergraduate students pursuing an associate or bachelor's degree
- 3.20 for students pursuing a graduate or professional degree
- Register with the Selective Service System, if required;
- Recipients must not be in default, or does not owe a refund, under any federal or State loan or grant program
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress according to the enrolling policy of the institution.
- Be willing to work in NC in a designated critical employment shortage profession.
- Must plan to enroll in at least six credit hours in an Approved Program at an Eligible Institution
Applications are available online
NC Reach
In 2007 the NC General Assembly established funding for students who have aged out of the NC public foster care or were adopted from foster care after age twelve.
Eligibility requirements:
- Enroll at least half-time in a NC Community College or UNC System school, seeking an undergraduate degree, diploma, or certificate
- Register with the Selective Service System, if required
- Not be in default nor owe a refund under any Federal or State loan or grant program
Find NC Reach applications and additional information online.
North Carolina Education and Training Voucher Program (NCETV)
The North Carolina Education and Training Voucher Program is a federally-funded, state-administered program designed to help youth who were in U.S. foster care. Students may receive up to $5,000 a year for qualified school related expenses. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible students. Applicants must complete the ETV application which includes documentation each semester that is sent directly from the school to ETV confirming enrollment, the cost of attendance (COA) and unmet need.
Eligibility Requirements
- You must be a current or former foster student who was:
- In U.S. foster care on or after your 17th birthday. OR
- Adopted from U.S. foster care with the adoption finalized AFTER your 16th birthday. OR
- Entered into a kinship guardianship placement from foster care on or after your 16th birthday.
- You must be a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen.
- Your personal assets (bank account, car, home, etc.) are worth less than $10,000.
- You must be at least 18 but younger than 21 to apply for the first time. You may reapply for ETV funds, if you have a current grant, up to the age of 23.
- You must have been accepted into or be enrolled in a degree, certificate or other accredited program at a college, university, technical, vocational school. To remain eligible for ETV funding, you must show progress toward a degree or certificate.